DE EN HR Information for users (from 8 AM to 4 PM)01 700 14 40

Notice to Customers

Dear Gas Customers,

In accordance with the provision of the General Conditions for Natural Gas Supply, determining and billing gas quantities as well as expressing unit prices for gas as a unit measure will use kWh.

Since 2014, changes to legal regulations has led to changes in billing consumption of natural gas:

  • The billed metering places are categorised into tariff models (TM1 to TM12), depending on natural gas consumption in the previous year, and
  • billed metering places are assigned a correction factor, a coefficient used to multiply the value of gas volume measured at the gas meter during working conditions for metering in order to obtain the value of gas volume which conforms to the standard state of gas
Data on tariff models and correction factors, we as the supplier receive from distribution system operators in accordance with the Network Rules for the Gas Distribution System (OG 50/18).
Gas consumption by customers in the household category are subject to prescribed gas prices:
  • from 01/08/2018 to 31/03/2019, the Decision on the Amount of Tariff Items for the Public Gas Supply Service for the Period from 1 August to 31 December 2018 and for the Period from 1 January to 31 March 2019 (OG 60/2018 and 61/2018)
  • from 01/04/2019 to 31/03/2020, the Decision on the Amount of Tariff Items for the Public Gas Supply Service for the Period from 1 April to 31 December 2019 and for the Period from 1 January to 31 March 2020 (OG 15/2019)
The price is applied for the household category of customers (public gas supply service) depending on the tariff model, at read quantities of gas, corrected using the correction factor and recalculated into energy based on net calorific value for the billing period. All mentioned information, besides the end price for gas supply, Gradska plinara Zagreb – opskrba d.o.o. receives from the distribution system operators.

Fixed monthly fee is calculated also depending on the tariff model and from 01/08/2018 to 31/03/2020 the fee is applied as prescribed in the already mentioned Decision on Amount of Tariff Items for the Public Supply Service.
The customer tariff model used for supplying gas through common boiler rooms is determined based on total consumption of gas in the common boiler room.
Calculating the energy of delivery gas

In accordance with Article 56 of the Network Rules for the Gas Distribution System (OG 50/18), the amount gas is expressed in m3 as a whole number value and in accordance with Article 58 of the Network Rules for the Gas Distribution Network, the energy of delivery gas is determined by multiplying the amount of gas with the amount of heating value for the delivered gas for a particular billing period, and expressed as a whole number value in kWh.

The amount of the heating value relates to the lower heating value of gas for the billing period, expressed in kWh/m3, and rounded to six decimal places in accordance with Article 58 of the Network Rules for the Gas Distribution Network (OG 50/18).

Distribution area operators (gas distributors) submit to us, as the gas suppliers, information on gas meter readings, correction factors and heating values, and are obligated to adhere to legal regulations, while Gradska plinara Zagreb – Opskrba d.o.o. as a gas supplier is also obligated to apply the legal regulations when billing natural gas consumption.

Supply as a public service obligation – gas supply which is performed in the general economic interest under regulated conditions fore the purpose of ensuring security, regularity, quality and price of supplying households (Gas Market Act, OG 18/18).

Household – end customer who purchases gas for consumption in their own household (Gas Market Act, OG 18/18).
Yours sincerely,

Your Gradska plinara Zagreb - Opskrba d.o.o.